Many grants take an average of 6 months to fund. Some can be sooner and some can be later. Foundations set up their own calendars with deadlines, review dates and notice timeframes. Some are upfront with this information. Others do not disclose their calendar information. Some accept requests year-round, others quarterly, monthly, or annually. We cannot move the foundation deadlines, no matter how quickly you need funding. We also cannot control how fast they respond. Contacting a foundation to ask about your application is usually not recommended. Sometimes it can hurt your request. Patience is the name of the game. Your grant submission report will list any information we have regarding each submitted request's Foundation calendar. If there is no information listed, then we have no more information to provide. Some foundations may never send any notice if they are not interested. Some will send decline letters immediately if you are not running in their competition. Quick responses are never a good sign. Some may contact you for further information, request an additional application form, or want to interview your staff or do a site visit. Please watch your mail, your email and your voicemail for any notice from a foundation. If you fail to respond, you will be disqualified. We cannot track that for you. You need to be diligent on this aspect. Always send in every response you get from a foundation, positive or negative. If you do not have access to your grant submission report, please send a support ticket requesting the link.
How long do grants take to fund? Print
Created by: Shella Zelenz
Modified on: Tue, 13 Jun, 2017 at 4:07 PM
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